Do air purifiers remove radon? While there are claims that some air purifiers can help with radon, we can categorically state that air purifiers do not remove radon. Instead, you must call in a radon specialist to handle it for you.
What is Radon?
Radon is a radioactive gas that is colourless and odourless. So, it is pretty hard to detect because you can neither see nor smell it. Radon occurs naturally when uranium in the soil breaks down. It then finds its way into homes through cracks and gaps in the foundations or slabs or:
- Gaps around service pipes
- Sumps
- Cavities in walls
- Window casements
- Support posts
- Floor drains
When radon leaves the ground and gets into the air outside, it is not risky because it gets diluted. However, it can build up indoors because it is an enclosed space.
Related: Best Air Purifiers in Canada
What are the Health Risks of Exposure to Radon?
Being a radioactive gas, you do not want exposure to radon, especially for long or in large quantities. Currently, radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers. Overall, it is the second leading cause of lung cancer behind smoking.
It is important to note that radon exposure drastically increases your risk of developing lung cancer if you are a smoker.
So, How Do You Tell if There is Radon in Your House?
Because you can’t use your senses to know that radon has entered your indoor space, the best way is to have a radon test kit on standby. Alternatively, you can call in a certified radon specialist to help in testing for the presence and quantity of radon in your house.
There are two types of test kits for radon:
- Long-term radon test kits – these test kits last for 90 days or more. We recommend these because radon levels can fluctuate from one day to the next. The best long-term radon test kit in Canada is AccuStarCanada 1AT Alpha Track. It is also Health Canada and C-NRPP certified.
- Short-term radon test kits – these kits work for two to seven days. A good example is HEALTH METRIC Radon Test Kit for Home that works for 2 to 4 days. It is pretty accurate, and lab testing is test is free.
We advise that you go for the long-term test kit. Not only will it serve you better, but you will also save money. Besides, AccuStarCanada 1AT Alpha Track is ideal for Canadians because you get the lab tests done for free, and the readings are user-friendly.

Radon Levels in Canada and the Government’s Guidelines
All homes have some level of radon. However, concentration levels vary depending on the quantity of uranium in the soil structure. As mentioned earlier, the only sure way to know how much radon there is to use a test kit.
What is the Canadian Guideline for Radon Levels in Indoor Air? Well, radon levels are measured in Becquerels per cubic metre (Bq/m3). The radon level should not exceed 200 Bq/m3. However, this does not mean that you are safe if the figure is below 200.
Always ensure to reduce radon levels because any level of exposure can cause lung cancer, especially if you are exposed for an extended period.
How to Remove or Reduce Radon from Your House
The best way to handle radon is to hire a radon mitigation professional certified under C-NRPP (Canadian National Radon Proficiency Program). Usually, they will install a system that sucks in the air (and radon) from below the foundation and releases it outside.
That method is called sub-soil depressurization.
How Much Does it Cost to Reduce Radon Levels in my Home?
The average cost of radon reduction is between $2,000 to $4,000. However, the actual cost will depend on the size of your house. Bigger houses will need more time to finish the job and use up more material.
Do air purifiers remove radon? No, they do not. Also, you cannot detect radon without a test kit because it is colourless and odourless. The best solution for removing or reducing radon is hiring a professional.
Radon can lead to severe health issues if not taken care of, specifically lung cancer. It is the second leading cause of lung cancer behind smoking. So, we should be keen to find out the level in our homes and engage a specialist to reduce it to the lowest possible.